01 September 2006

Retro Technology

So I used a typewriter at work on Friday, pretty much for the first time. My parents had one, but I don't recall using for anything of consequence. Even my typing class was on a computer.

It took some adjusting. I was filling out a form, and it was tricky to get the spacing just right. There was no blinking vertical line indicating where the letter would appear on the page. There was a "paper up" and a "paper down" button. The "paper up" works exactly like the "page down" key on a computer.

I had quite the sense of accomplishment when I was finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

marcia, I've been thinking of you lately - I know you're a big fan of the West Wing - have you checked out Studio 60 on Monday nights? It's written by some of the same team from the West Wing, and retains a couple of the actors. It feels a lot like WW, only in the framework of the politics of live television / comedy show rather than the White House. I'm loving it so far, so I assume it will be canceled in short order.

Chris Kneer