21 February 2006

Turkish Baths...

So I had a Turkish bath while in Istanbul. I felt quite clean and exfoliated.

They give you a towel and a locker for your belongings. No problem. I walk into the main bathing room, and my glasses instantly fog up. "This isn't going to work," I thought, so I had to place my glasses in the locker.

It did make moving around interesting. It's wet everywhere. So the deal is that you have a large, round marble slab that is magically heated. It has a slight curvature so that water will run off of the edges. Around the circumference is a gutter. There are also spigots around the slab where warm water emerges.

So you lie on the slab until the matron is ready to give you a bath. She pours the water, scrubs away, and indicates when to turn over, sit up, etc. Communications between us were also difficult as she turned into a blob when more than a foot away from me.

It was a bit odd being given a bath. Usually, it's something only the very young, the very old, or the very sick experience. But like I said, I was nicely exfoliated upon release...


Roxy said...

Funny...the ladies that frequent the Riverplex's steam room must be from Turkey...they are always scrubbing each other and they make me quite uncomfortable...Did I mention that they are usually stark raving NAKED? I have this thing with nudity...isn't it funny that Shane is one of my best friends!

Marcia said...

Not when you're old and infirm. They're just not gentle enough. Perhaps when you feel like a workout...

The women weren't naked; they all had underwear on. But it does otherwise fit the description. And it is odd that you know Shane, he of much naked ways.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Shane's butt in MONTHS! Goodness, what have I been doing?