25 April 2006

D-Day tour

I had a great tour of the D-Day sites. We covered the obvious places, like Utah and Omaha Beaches, the American cemetary, and St. Mére Eglise.

But we also saw what now looks like random fields. We saw a field that was an airsrtip, which, if overshot, would have the plane go off of a cliff. We saw the places where men earned a Medal of Honor. Without going, you can't get a proper idea of how close the Americans and Germans were to each other during the fighting. (I have loads of pictures, but still can't find a means to upload.) I saw the hedgerows, which even now, before all of the leaves are out, are difficult to see through.

I heard a lot of stories of individuals who were not where they planned to be on D-Day, but yet did countless things that made all the difference. One LT, dropped miles from his intended drop zone, killed the only German general in the area. You realize that it turned on a dime, and could have gone the other way easily. It was all very sobering.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marcia,

nice to see which things you remembered from our tour with Battlebus. I really enjoyed those two days (actually for me three) too. Hope you have a nice trip further.


Jos Pangels (the Dutch guy on the tour)

Anonymous said...

Hello Marcia,
We are looking forward to seeing some of your pictures of the Normandy (Battlebus) tour. Continue to have a good trip.
Prudy and Dave (the old couple on the tour)