17 November 2005

One month...

So I took off on 16 Oct, but by the time I arrived in Beijing, it was 18 Oct. So I consider today to be my "one month" mark.


I'm not ready to come home yet. Before I left, I knew that if I got to the point that I wasn't enjoying myself, I could swipe the Amex, and roughly 24 hours later be at home. I'm still curious about the rest of the world.

I don't think the trip will offer any blinding flashes of insight as to what I should be doing with the rest of my life. I think that I'll figure out exactly what level of confort I need; hot water is a must, but I can live without the A/C.

How often do I need pizza? I try not to satisfy the cravings of home like that. The gazpacho can end up too spicy, the burger not at all right, the Coke completely different. So you've spent a lot of money, and the craving still isn't satisfied. Except the Snickers bar. Everywhere, it's been the same.

Hope all is well.

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