06 November 2005


Wow. It's hot here. It was about 90 F when we landed. I have found a place with A/C, and internet.

I'm in Legian, which is north of Kuta Beach. I'll be here three nights. I'm trying to formulate a plan. So far, it consists of some time in the A/C..

I should get the pics up in the next day or so...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marcia - glad to hear all is well. Like Roxy, I have been living vicariously through your blog here. I love it! In fact, I was telling a friend about it -- she doesn't know you but is also excited about your trip and wants to check it out -- hope you don't mind I forwarded her the link! Just keep doing what you're doing - you rock!! Take care in Bali.

Chris Kneer