13 May 2006

My pack...

So Steve has taken a great interest in the contents of my pack. It's not very large, but, I "seem to pull out a new gizmo every five minutes."

So here's a rundown on some of the stuff in my pack or daybag:

- sewing kit
- hand cleansing gel
- compass
- fork/knife/spoon combo set
- waiter's wine key
- handkerchief to dry my hands
- leatherman
- camera cleaning kit
- cable ties
- ACE bandage
- emergency blanket - one of those thinner than aluminum foil space blanket things
- bike lock - wire type used to secure pack during overnight train rides
- JC's name tag
- clothes line
- sink plug

I also had a water filter, but sent that home when I reached countries with potable water.

Does this seem normal?


Anonymous said...

No towel? Uei would be disappointed..

BTW fair warning: I am getting a new cellphone# in a few days. Will email when I know it.


Marcia said...

Yeah. I totally have a towel. I can wrap it around my head to stay safe from alien creatures.

Anonymous said...

did you soak the corner of the towel with scotch whiskey? comes in handy for both disinfecting as well as anesthetic

Roxy said...

Ultimately, your Jaycee namebadge is the most unusual item. . . unless of course you are a jaycee and realize the powers of the NAMEBADGE! Not only will you be spotted by fellow brethren, but you could also use the trusty pin for many MacGyver moves. In certain situations the namebadge will sustain your drinking habits and you may even recieve a little personal growth in the process.

Long live the jaycee namebadge!

Can't wait to see you!!! Don't forget to wear your namebadge so that I can identify you in a crowd!!

Here's to being Euro-sober!

Marcia said...

I have yet to use the emergency blanket. I needed the ACE bandage only once, in Berlin (running injury).

Sporadic, as needed usage: camera cleaning kit; sewing kit

The water filter was used almost daily until I reached countries with potable water.

The hand gel and the compass use were probably about equal, with multiple uses per day. Use of hand gel has died down with the advent of potable water with soap.

The clothes line has been used more often than the sink plug, but, as indicated above, the plug is not the least used item. I use the clothes line anytime I get a room to myself, and handwash my stuff. The sink may or may not have a plug.

And I didn't really cover the contents of my medicine chest. When I left, it had lots of stuff. I used the anti-malarial, and Cipro. I still have some Cipro, Bactrim, pepto bismol, immodium, plus misc pain meds. I have plenty of bandages, as well as antibiotic cream and wet wipes. I also carry a thermometer.