16 January 2006


Based on conversations with more than one of you, I should elaborate on the bathroom situation. Don't worry, this is informative, not gross.

Reference the picture of the bathroom in Thailand's Kanchaniburi. This is not the exception, it is the norm. There is usually a confusing mix of plumbing (at least in India) on the wall for a bucket bath or a shower. But there's no shower stall per say. Plumbing, toilet, sink (usually). It's been a long time since I've seen a shower curtain in my bathroom. It's just not done. I suspect that it has to do with the mildew factor in the tropics...

Since there's no curtain, the toilet usually gets spray from the shower. I've learned to lift both the lid and the ring when I shower. That way, the critical parts are still dry after I shower. Nothing worse than your bum feeling wet when you sit on the ring.

See? That wasn't so bad...

1 comment:

Andy said...

mama, remind us to retrain you to put the seat down upon your return to the US.