04 January 2006

New Years

Ummm... Actually, I was in bed by 10 PM with a raging sinus issue. I've had some tummy issues, but the doc here thought that this was due to the antibiotics that I was taking... I seem to be getting better without it getting too bad...

Sorry to disappoint...



Anonymous said...

Hey Marcia...was good talkin to you on the phone! Sorry to hear about the sinus acting up. Well at least you had a better New Year than me who spent all of 1/1/2006 lying in bed groaning from the great-grandmother of all hangovers :P
Well Adios and enjoy the rest of your trip.

*lynne* said...

heyya marcia! we got your voice message, glad to know you're surviving despite your sinus situation. Also got the postcard from chiang mai :-) have a good time in India and beyond!

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you about the time I had IV antibiotics. I didn't poop right for weeks.

Sinus infections suck tho. I don't know which is worse.

Had an interesting call the other night. I am learning how much drugs and mental illness there is in otherwise very nice looking suburban homes. (3x nicer than ours.. not that that's saying much..) It's sad when the children start getting affected by it.
