10 January 2006

This is the post my brother has been waiting for...

So we talked about the 80/20 rule... 80% works out, but without warning, 20% of your time goes south. My brother has anticipated the coming of the 20% from Day One.

So yesterday started with the hotel trying to overcharge me. They either should have given me an A/C room with no breakfast, or a fan room with breakfast. They tried to have an unacceptable option, and I let them know that. They did back down. It was irritating that they even tried.

Next, I needed to recharge the mobile. You go into a shop with an "Airtel" sign, give them some money, and then an amount, less taxes and fees, is added to your account. So the shop owner offered me an amount that's a good deal in Pondy, but not for my New Delhi phone number, even when he knew his rates were for Pondy only, and also knew I didn't have a Pondy number. Bottom line is the government made out like a bandit on my recharge. And the shop owner is powerless to do anything.

I was met by Tout Central in Mamallapuram. All I wanted was a place to drop the big bag, as all of the sites I had time for were within walking distance. I smiled nicely, and the man behind the desk at a guidebook-recommended hotel agreed to hold my bag. And he even refused the 20 Rp I offered.

So with this bit of good luck, I really thought that I was out of the 20%. That should be the first warning sign that I'm not.

I was at one of the sites, which are basically rock carvings. There was a monkey, and I thought that the Sundheims would appreciate a shot of it. I take the shot, and out of nowhere, the alpha monkey runs up to me. He hisses, and swipes at the plastic bag I had hooked to my main pack.

I forgot that I had some bananas.

You never try to stop a monkey, as it could have rabies.

This wasn't the worst part:

The monkey ate my Snickers bar.

The mighty Snickers bar is an emotional crutch for me. They are not so easy to find, so when I do find them, I stock up. They are such a comfort as they taste the same everywhere. It's not like Coke or pizza, which vary. It's always just like home.

So this monkey* ate it. Along with the dried fruit and nuts package. The crackers were not so good, so the baby monkey was allowed to have them. I'm hoping the alpha monkey has GI issues.

I was able to replace the bananas and buy some nuts. I could find no Snickers bar, only a Kit Kat. I bought two, and gave one to the man at the hotel.

On the bus back to Chennai, I do score a seat. It was actually the conductor's seat, so it is at the VERY front of the bus, adjacent to the driver. So I witnessed rush hour Chennai traffic from the front of a large bus. Fascinating, and terrifying at the same time. I'm still not sure if this belongs in the 80% or the 20%.



Anonymous said...

COOL monkey, ya should submit that to David Letterman as his assistant Monty, had always asked the survivor rejects on his show "did you see or touch any monkeys"

Marcia said...

In response to a question by my brother, the monkey did in fact understand the packaging. He peeled the wrapper off of the candy bar instead of eating the whole thing and spitting out the wrapper.

Anonymous said...

Wow - smart monkey. Sometimes even I have trouble opening those candy wrappers.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the "worst thing" is that he stole your candy bar.... I mean... he could have stolen your passport and mauled you..... I wonder why he had to hiss. Was it like a "don't mess with me" hiss? I heard sometims you can scare animals away by raising your arms up high and wide because it makes you look big and angry and they might get scared off.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's the "you dare not look big and try to scare me off or i'll give you ebola even though they called it motaba like that oreo monkey on the movie Outbreak and you won't be happy, at least not really, for a while" hiss ...

no monkeys in ireland, but i did find out what the locals say about Molly Malone. apparently the dolly with the trolly wasn't peddaling only cockles and mussels. the dish was a fish was celibate - she'd sell-a-bit here, and sell-a-bit there and ya git the picture (: yes, three Guinness dinner!