06 January 2006


I'm in Chennai today. I didn't end up going to Mamallapuram, which is a bit disappointing. My flight out of New Delhi was delayed. I didn't end up in bed until 1 AM. The tour started at 6 AM, and wouldn't conclude until 7 PM. I didn't think that I could handle that on such little sleep. I've been feeling better, but this would be the type of thing to push me back...

So I've done a lot of nothing today.

I should mention that I am warm again. Highs here are in the upper 80's...

I head to Pondicherry tomorrow. This was a French colony. I'm looking forward to it, as I have a slight hope of being able to read the signs that aren't in English.


Anonymous said...

all the best for your pondichery

Andy said...

I wish I had a pondicherry.

Anonymous said...

Hey Marcia----thanks for the Thailandgram... hope things are looking up since you sent this.. :)

My friend Sal went to Mexico for 2 weeks for Christmas and he brought me back a nice bottle of special tequila. It was the best thing to happen in a while. All day I looked at the bottle, and work didn't seem so bad anymore. Moral of the story: get some booze, things will seem much better!!!
