22 February 2006


Let´s finally add horses to the list of animals that İ´ve ridden. I went on a horseback rıde yesterday. And I´m back on a Turkısh keyboard, so some characters won´t come out rıght. But İ dıgress.

It was only a two hour experıence, but stıll enough to let me know that I wıll stıck to rıdıng my bıke. İt probably wasn´t the best idea to have a ride before an overnight bus trip, but ıt´s a little late for that...

Four dogs followed us on this ride. About halfway through, one independent dog decided not to follow the boy whıstlıng for hım. I had to get off my horse and wait whıle the boy went back for the dog. I thought, "What a fine time to get a picture!"

It wasn´t untıl after the horse started to wander away that I realızed the great wisdom ın the boy´s partıng instructıon: "Hold onto the reıgns."

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