14 November 2005

Bali Photos

I have posted some photos of Bali. None of the beach though. I wasn't feeling well the first few days, so I didn't take a lot of pics. I'll get a few in at the end of the trip.

There are some pics of traditional Bali dancers. I didn't really understand what was going on, other than the content in the provided brochures.

There are some pictures of random things on the streets.

And there is a "other" folder; as I just needed a catch all.

Link is to the right...

1 comment:

Marcia said...

The pyro stuff: They set fire to a huge pile of coconut shells. Then, someone ran through them in the dark. So you only really saw the sparks fly. I think there's one shot where you see the faint image of the man in a black and white sarong.

Toilet: I've seen a few like this, but more often it is of they type found in IL.

Snow: Would feel good right now for about 3 minutes. It's still in the 90's, lows around 80 at night. Weather doesn't change much, although it did rain this morning, scuttling my bold plan of getting up before 9 AM to go for a walk.

Between Atlantis and Shangri-la: Apt description of where I am... I am pleased.