14 March 2006

I have a house!

So it's only mine for another day or so, but it's mine for now.

As I'm walking off of the ferry, I'm met by someone holding a "sobe/camera/room" sign. It turns out that it is a husband, wife, and daughter who have a small house that they let out. It's about $20 a night, but I have a kitchen area, right next to the bed.

There's also a B&W TV. I have seen Pancho Villa. The only issue was that the Spanish was subtitled into Croatian, so I missed about 10% of the movie. The Nanny is also on, as well as Family Matters, that show with Erkel.

Now you know where sitcoms go to die...


Anonymous said...

I am all in anticipation of your pictures from this leg of the trip, especially to see the house that 20 bucks gets. How weird is it to find an entire family of touts? :)

I hope you got lots of pics of the ferry ride too. Was there any scenery to be..seen?

Do they have Deal or No Deal over there yet? Man, that show is addictive.


Marcia said...

Actually, there aren't many ferry pics. It started to rain, and there was also spray. It resulted in views with water on the glass, or a film of salt on the glass. OK to look through, but not such that I could get a good photo.

The TV will be a sight to behold...

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to thank you again for the post card. The collection grows on our refrigerater door.

What is it now, about 2 or 3 months until your return? Should the Jaycees start organizing your "welcome home" party? Now that you're probably used to b&w TV with programs such as Family Matters, you'll be blown away with the Hi-Def TV here in the states.


Marcia said...

Don't knock the TV - I got to see the Simpsons with Croation subtitles. It was the one where Homer's mom comes off of the lam, only to be arrested again...

But it's funny you should mention the trip home. I have purchased a ticket home for the end of May. I expect a June reappearance in Peoria. Part of that will depend on how long my mom wants to see me/ how long my mom can stand to have me in the house.

And another thought - you never notice how often you use the "y" key until it is not where it should be. In Croatian, the "yu" sound is represented by "j" and the "y" is non-existant. So the "y" and the "z" have switched places on the keyboard.